A wall sconce is a fixture that's mounted to a wall rather than hanging from a ceiling.
Wall sconces are possibly the oldest type of lighting fixture in existence. They are installed for different uses and levels of light depending on the room and what is being achieved.
In a corridor, wall sconces can add both light and interest without interfering with movement. They can accent or add light to a dark corner in any room and in most locations, don’t need to provide a lot of light.
Choosing the Right Wall Sconce
Matching fixture style to décor, colour temperature, lumen output, desired light level, uniform light spans with no dark spots or shadows are all considerations when choosing your interior wall sconce.
Our lighting specialists will answer any questions or create a custom solution for your project at no charge.

MJ Lighting carries a complete line of wall sconce fixtures.
Efficiency MB is issuing rebates on LED upgrades.
In some cases, the rebate covers the cost of the fixture.
We process the paperwork and ensure you get the maximum allowable rebates.
Questions? We’re ready to help.